
Delsana Beauty Salon Karaj

Delsana Beauty Salon Karaj
What is hair rebonding?
Your hair is made up of protein. The hair components are joined together by disulfide bonds that make up your hair structure. Hair rebonding is a relatively permanent and suitable method for people who dream of having bare and shiny hair. You can have smooth, shiny hair in a matter of hours by using chemicals and heat at the same time. How is it done? First, the hair is washed with a special shampoo. After the hair is completely dry, they take the remaining moisture from the hair with a hair dryer and divide the hair. The material is tied in thin layers to the hair and combed, and then the next layer; In this way, all the hair is impregnated with the material. After that, by checking the hair, wash the hair with warm water without shampoo or conditioner to completely remove the hair straighteners from the hair. The hair is dried again with a hair dryer and washed with a keratin solution. In this section, the hair is ironed in thin layers at a temperature of 180 to 200 degrees. You should know that in this part, ironing the hair in any way will remain the same. At this stage, the hair is redistributed and the neutralizer is placed on the hair for half an hour. Finally, after a quarter of the hair is washed and a strengthening serum is used for the hair.