
Mahsa Beauty Salon Karaj

Mahsa Beauty Salon Karaj
Amber hair Amber is a technique for coloring hair. In amber, the lighting and dechlorination operation is very precise. Amber hair color training is one of the best techniques and in fact fashionable. Amber is placed on the hair in various styles. These styles are fancy amber, classic and inverted. The most common technique is the classic amber. In the classic amber, the hair roots are dark and the middle of the hair is medium colored and the ends of the hair are light. The reverse amber technique is less common among people, because in this method, the roots of the hair are light in color and the ends of the hair are dark. Inverted amber is suitable for people with light eyebrows and white skin. Amber fantasy is a favorite of young girls. In this technique, several different colors are mixed and you are given doll faces.