
neginariaei Beauty Salon

neginariaei Beauty Salon
Color and mesh:
Hair coloring is very popular among women today and most of them try to have beautiful hair with various hair colors. It should be noted that mesh is a hair coloring method in which the background color of the hair is in contrast with the new dyed strands, and this color combination can give a very beautiful and special look to the face. Hair weaving will not be limited to women and sometimes it is seen that some men, especially actors, use this method to change their face. It is needed to dechlorinate, oxidize and color the hair. This method requires a lot of expertise and skills. For this reason, hair dye and mesh are often done in hairdressers. You should go to hairdressers and people with experience in this field to do your hair color and mesh. Hair dechlorination can be very damaging to your hair if done by untrained people. That is why choosing a suitable hairdresser to do hair color and mesh is very important.