
Nilo Chehr Beauty Salon in Karaj

Nilo Chehr Beauty Salon in Karaj
Lipstick tattoo is an effective and practical method that is widely used today and has its own fans. It is also very effective for a variety of skin colors. In fact, lip tattooing, when done by an experienced professional, can work well on a variety of skin types. Care should be taken when working on lips that are rich in melanin, as the risk of pigmentation (darkening of the skin) is higher. Lipstick tattoo is a type of skin rejuvenation and beauty that people choose depending on their taste and color and create it on their lips. Costs will vary depending on where you live, your artist experience, and the amount of pigment you use to achieve the desired color. Some artists charge extra to do this. You can expect to pay a high price for this. Lipstick tattoo creates an amazing and attractive smile on a person's face. This method has the following advantages: Having a suitable lip color with high durability Increases pigmentation on pale lips Ability to customize to create your lip shadow Create lips with a more complete appearance without the need for injection or surgery Have lip symmetry Color correction for scars and uneven pigments