
Shahrbanoo Beauty Salon

Shahrbanoo Beauty Salon
What is eyelash implantation?
As you know, eyes are the most important part of facial beauty and everyone is looking for beautiful and attractive eyes. For this reason, many methods have been designed to change and correct the shape of the eyes, according to the shape of the face and eyebrows. One of the components that many people consider a very effective modifier of eye condition is the eyelashes. Thick, black lashes act just like a natural eyeliner and make your eyes look more beautiful and attractive. In general, the beauty of the eyes depends on the eyelashes, which is why today we see all kinds of mascaras and oils that thicken the eyelashes and eyelashes. One of the most popular methods of enhancing eyelash beauty is eyelash extensions. This method, just like other semi-permanent and permanent make-up methods, can double the beauty of your eyes.