
Stella Beauty Salon Karaj

Stella Beauty Salon Karaj
What is hair rebonding?
As you know, your hair is made up of amino acids. These proteins are joined together by bonds that determine the structure of the hair (whether the hair is straight, curly or curly). Hair rebonding, also called nano-rebonding, involves the chemical loosening of hair by breaking these bonds and then rebuilding it to change the texture of the hair. Is hair rebonding possible for white hair? If you are one of the people who have bleached most of your hair, it is recommended to use keratin instead of Japanese straightener. Because in this type of hair, the materials needed to correct the structure with rebound tools are less seen. We mean white hair that has lost its grain color. This hair can provide less smoothness and whipping for rebonding. Do not worry about a small amount of white hair, we all have white hair. This is said for people whose hair is mostly bleached. It is recommended to use hair keratin for this group of people. Because keratin has nothing to do with hair pigment and is only in contact with the outer layer of hair.