
Tusi Beauty Salon in Hamedan

Tusi Beauty Salon in Hamedan
Waxing In order to evaluate the cost of waxing, it can be said that it is a little more expensive than shaving. This is because waxing is usually done by trained technicians and results in more lasting results. On average, you can expect it to cost more depending on the amount of wax and the skill of the experts in the field. Most importantly, it all depends on the area you want to wax. You can expect to pay less for narrower areas, such as the eyebrows or armpits. If you decide to wax yourself, you can pay less. Keep in mind that home waxing may not be the result of professional waxing. The basics for waxing can include the following: Grow your hair at least 1/4 length before applying wax. If it is longer than 1/2, you may have to arrange it. The day before, make sure that you do not exfoliate, tan or dry your skin with skin products. During the day, avoid caffeine or alcohol and do not use lotions or creams. To reduce the pain, take an analgesic 30 minutes before your appointment. Grow your hair to the desired length by shaving. Wet the area to soften your skin and hair. You can gently exfoliate and shave your skin beforehand, just be sure to use a soothing shaving cream before removing hair.